Sunday, 24 April 2011

Snooker's most thought provoking facial hair

Q & A - Rory McLeod's beard:

Rory's beard blends in well with his clothing

1) Is it fashionable? Some may say it has a Dickensian charm
2) Does he wear it because he's a Muslim? Rory took up Islam in 2000 so that's quite possible
3) Is the gap in the middle natural or been caused by cue friction? Unknown*
4) Does he carry a beard comb? Yes

NB This blog refers to Rory McLeod the snooker player (pictured), not the singer songwriter who is apparently unbearded.

*If anyone does know how the beard impacts upon Rory's cue action or vice versa, please leave a comment. Perhaps if Hazel Irvine happens across this blog, then she'd be kind enough to ask him for me. In fact, any bearded snooker players' opinion would be welcome. John Virgo maybe? Ideally it would be a longer beard e.g. ZZ Top. If you're reading this gents and play a bit of snooker, give us a shout.

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